A process map is meant to make a process more obvious by displaying it in a visual form. I occasionally have to do this in my current role.
Things like this baffle me:

A process map apparently can't just have two boxes. That's less of a process and more of an event I suppose.
This is not from my company and I’m not saying who it’s from, other than it’s from a regulated financial services firm, all of which are potentially facing some slightly stricter complaint handling requirements fairly soon.
It seems mostly unnecessary. The obvious diagram for me would just be “complaint received” followed by “log complaint”, but maybe that’s just me.
I see this quite a lot at the moment. Documents that have a purpose and are a business requirement often take so long getting to the point and so much longer talking around the point that by the time they’re finished and published, nobody in their right mind is ever going to read them, much less update them. In fact, the only people that will read them are going to be regulators inspecting a business, by which point you have provided your own noose by producing process documentation that nobody has read, nobody updates and most likely does not reflect your current business practises.
All the same, inexperienced staff like myself look at these things for inspiration on how they should be doing things and feel their productions are inferior if they don’t have a similar word count, so the cycle repeats.