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I’ve often seen shows cite ‘Production Difficulties’ for delays.  I think I see what they mean, or at least I have a rough idea of what it COULD mean.

For me, Production Difficulties ™ are currently encompassing the ‘but it takes a long time’ end of the scale, and issues caused by a reluctance to write a full and carefully constructed script, saying ‘oh I’ll fix it in post’, which is a truly poisonous phrase as anyone who has ever worked on a film of any kind will attest to.

I’m also expecting the production speed of my web-show to speed up with time.  The pilot was a learning experience, this episode will be a slightly more refined product with any luck, and in a few months time, I’ll be able to get them done much much quicker.




The main reason I’m posting this drivel is actually to say thank you for watching.  My stats from Blip TV say it has been watched just under 150 times, which is in my mind a big number.  I realise lots of blogs and sites get traffic in numbers that make my eyes water and my brain hurt, but I’m inordinately proud of my three figure number.

A while ago, I wrote about how I couldn’t understand why more people didn’t try to make their own television shows.  I then couldn’t work out why I hadn’t tried to make one before.

As a result of these musings, I bring you my pilot episode of ‘An Introduction To Video Games’.

Making this, whilst fun, has taught me why more people don’t try it.  It’s much harder than it looks and takes ages to put together.  I do suspect that if I make another one, it will be produced much quicker!

Title: Squids

Developer/Publisher: The Game Bakers

Price: 69p

The phrase ‘Turn based RPG’ can send a shiver down the spines of many gamers.  Some hate them for the predominant use of clunky menu systems, a relic from a bygone age that has somehow survived into the modern era of gaming, some dread how compelling they can be and have fevered nightmares of the amount of time they have sunk into them, and some love them so much that they have become frustrated that it’s a relatively under-served genre.

Whatever you think of them, the turn based RPGs of this world can display an awful lot of depth and complexity and the right one can compel even those not traditionally fans of the genre to sink many hours in to them.

Enter Squids.

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Space Marine (which I reviewed yesterday) left a fairly profound effect on me.

Space Marine is by no means a game changing…game…but the attention to detail is good and I’m looking forward to seeing more in this series and even find myself hoping for downloadable content, which is a first.  I really feel the game should be recognised for the work that has gone into it and the careful way in which they have dealt with the source material.

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Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine is a third person action shooter / brawler which does exactly what you would expect in that you play a Space Marine in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.  This is a very simple premise the bellies a much more complicated background.

You take control of Captain Titus of the Ultramarines as you attempt to liberate a forge world from an Ork invasion with the help of two of your battle-brothers by murdering as many invading aliens as possible.  The plot then opens up into the investigation of a doomsday-like device that the Inquisition have been working on in secret that harbours powers of the warp.

There will be parts of that last paragraph that you will not understand unless you are familiar with the Warhammer 40,000 setting, something that I think THQ are going to have a hard time with because there’s a problem here.  The Warhammer 40,000 setting is weird.  Brilliantly weird, but still weird none the less.  There will also be more than one person giggling that the big blue space marines are called Ultramarines.

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