A while ago, I mentioned that I enjoyed Avatar and that it was something I wanted to talk about.  I realise that makes it sound like I’m looking for some sort of counseling or that I feel it’s something I need to confess as opposed to express, but I did find it a genuinely interesting film and I’m a little perplexed as to why it received so much hate and negative criticism from the greater geekdom.  Perhaps it was just because it did really well and there’s an instinct to disregard anything that’s mainstream. 

 The theme is what interests me the most.  I’m not talking about the basic plot of a man from an industrial and technological culture defecting to a more spiritual and romanticized tribal way of life in the style of dances with wolves or Space-Pocahontas or anything like that.  What I mean the basic theme that underpins the entire film: that of escapism.

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In a beautiful piece of flame-bait, the BBC’s Andrew Marr has criticized bloggers the world over, stating that they are socially inadequate, pimpled, single, slightly seedy, bald, cauliflower-nosed young men sitting in their mother’s basements.”  He goes on to say that most bloggers are very angry people writing late at night whilst very drunk and that this will never replace journalism.

Is he right?  A little bit.  Is he wrong?  A little bit.  Is his comment a bit stupid?  A little bit.  Has he missed the point?  Probably.

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From City AM this morning, I picked up this little nugget under their “Marketing Campaign of the Year”:

 “Celebrities do it all the time,” said Norwich Union when it changed its name to Aviva. It argued that the old name – which dated from 1797 – was due a change in a world where it operates in 27 countries, and that one name should be used across the group.

Of course, the name change from Norwich Union to Aviva was nothing to do with the £1.26 million fine levied against them by the FSA for being incompetent when it came to protecting client data and protecting against fraud that was so damaging to their reputation that they had to distance themselves from their own name.  Of course not.  What a crazy suggestion that would be.  It’s because the name was old.  And they work in countries that don’t know what a Norwich is.

People who know me would say that I’m not a particularly sporty person.  This actually isn’t true: for a large portion of my live I have been involved in competitive dinghy sailing which really is more intense than most people realise, which was always hilarious on the occasions I would take said people out on a boat with me.  What those that know me would assume is that I’m not sporty because I don’t ply football very well and don’t spend any time watching the football or formula one or rugby or cricket, therefore I’m not sporty.  This is fair enough as I don’t have a huge amount of time for sport as I find it for the most part tedious.

I have found myself enjoying a sport.  I have found myself enjoying Starcraft 2.

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