I’m not interested in frogs.

Frog. Not interested.
That is, I’m not interested in frogs until you give me a green one and a brown one and tell me there are more to collect.
This compulsion to collect things is something that a lot of ordinary geeks have and something that affects almost all of us at some point in our lives. If you have two of something and there’s a third that’s in the same set, it’s almost impossible not to want it because you feel like the items “belong” together, and that getting two and not the other is somehow like splitting up a family.
In terms of gaming, the desire to get 100% completion of a game can sometimes overwhelm an individual, but this is a slightly different issue: This is more to complete a collection. To get a full set. The confusing question that you will ask yourself shortly after completing a collection is obvious, but only obvious once that condition is triggered: What happens next?
The answer is most of the time simple and a little distressing: Nothing.
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