Here’s a beautiful little time eater for you.

Desktop Dungeons is a free turn based dungeon crawler game that is astonishingly difficult to stop playing and can be a challenge to the point of aggravation.

Each play through will be randomly generated meaning you’ll never quite play the same game twice and in order to get through it, you’ll need to think on your feet and use every available option to you.

The best part for me is that although it’s horribly addictive, each session will only last around 10 minutes, so you can play a quick round before you go and do something else if you’re willpower is up to scratch.

Of course, one of the other reasons I probably like this so much is because I’m such a sucker for pixel art.  By default, it looks something like this:

This is the sort of light-weight-with-substance game that is rare and effective.  You can have a quick bash around on it at lunch time or you can accidentally lose and evening to it.

Although still technically in beta, Desktop Dungeons is fully playable and already highly polished.  You can download it for Mac or PC at the Desktop Dungeons website.