Busy busy.

This blog is fast becoming a neglected child, relegated to some kind of “look what I did somewhere else” channel.

The chaps at Bit-Tech had me on board for their gaming podcast last Friday and I made some comments about gaming things and showed of some partially known gaming trivia that loosely followed the format of “wasn’t that thing done by that guy?” without really knowing the thing or the guy other than a vague memory of something I read somewhere at some time.

We talked a bit about Crysis 2, Battlefield 3, Alice: Madness Returns and other things.  I am also discovering they don’t like Starcraft 2 as much as I do.

We also talked about QWOP which is hilarious and you should all go and have a look at it.

I’m published again!

Here is a brief little rambling on the Rise of the Hobby Developer over at Bit-Tech.

I also have a couple of news items up again here and here.

I am yet to see where this ceases to be fun.  I realise it is only my second day of work experience at this place so maybe hubris will come back to bite me on this one, but they just keep giving me amazing things to do.

I often pick up a copy of the Metro in the mornings these days and one jumped out at me this morning declaring “Gaming Children ‘unfit for school’”.  The article was a short piece about primary school children falling asleep in class, missing meals (although if they’re missing meals in school I’m not sure that’s entirely their fault) and being unable to concentrate.

The reason for this, as declared by one particular teacher, is that they are addicted to gaming.

This may well be shooting fish in a barrel but let’s dissect that a little.

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Despite being on the cusp of launching into my career as a profeshnul riter, I’ve been doing more work on fabricating my own computer games.  Putting the two together, I intend to therefore keep an ad-hoc log of my development process / journey / odyssey.  

 I’d like to say this is with the high-minded intention of helping other no-hope-want-to-be-developers like myself, but to be honest, it’s probably because I just like the sound of my own typing.

 Additional Notes:

All development-diary-like entries will now be included under the category Chaotic Tortoise Studios, and will be prefaced by CTS, because three letter acronyms (or as I call them, TLAs) are brilliant and everybody loves them.

Despite being an ordinary geek, I’m not normally a sports fan.  That may sound a little abhorrent as the words “geek” and “sports” don’t normally mix unless there is the letter “e” thrown in there somewhere but really, sports fanatics are ordinary geeks.  They pore over statistics and have encyclopaedic knowledge over things that really don’t matter.  Not only this, but a lot of them will play something like fantasy football which is quite frankly a couple of twenty sided dice away from Dungeons and Dragons.  It even has the word “fantasy” in the title.  If die hard sports fans aren’t geeks, then they are exceptionally close cousins.

A friend of mine at work was telling me about the Raeburn Shield and I did find this to be quite an interesting idea and thought I would share.

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