Evolve is a co-operative monster hunting online multiplayer shooter for five players. The twist to Evolve however is that four of you are playing the team hunting down the monster whilst the fifth plays the monster itself, making for a slightly more unpredictable experience.
Genre: Online Co-op shooter
Developer: Turtle Rock Studios
Platforms: Xbox One, Playstation 4
, PC
Good for: A group of friends looking for something they can team up together to do
Less good for: Anyone looking for a more immersive long-form experience. Games of Evolve are very much match based and there is practically no story.
Evolve was a much anticipated title from Turtle Rock Studios, the developers behind the highly popular zombie co-op shooter Left 4 Dead. General consensus is that Evolve is a little bit disappointing but when you get into a good match, it can be excellent. There’s a decent amount of character progression and unlocks to keep you busy with this for a while and the controls are surprisingly easy to get to grips with. Whilst the gameplay mechanics are not overly deep, there’s definitely enough here to keep things interesting and you are able to adapt things to how you want to play to a certain extent.